57. Debunking Common Strength & Cardio Myths

"I'll just do cardio to lose weight" / "I don't want to get bulky, so I don't lift weights" / "Strength training takes up too much time" / "I want to burn fat, so I will just run"

Have you ever said any of these? We used to! We are here to tell you that these thoughts just aren't true. In this episode, Alex and Trevor debunk 10 myths about strength and cardio training. They walk through 5 myths for each, share the truth, and back with science on each. Why? So you can know what is true and get the most out of both forms of training.

You can expect to hear more on:

  • How to actually lose weight
  • Why working out doesn't take too much time
  • Why strength training isn't optional
  • How soreness does not = effectiveness 
  • How to get bulky
  • Why cardio doesn't have to mean running
  • The real value of cardio

Here is the link to 20 workouts mentioned in the episode. Each has a bodyweight, minimal equipment, and full equipment version:

This topic came straight from the 2/22/24 edition of our 3 in 30 Newsletter, which we send out once a week. It includes both education and application on how you can live the truly healthy life Jesus offers. Here is the link to read the full copy and get these delivered straight to your inbox: 

PS - have you grabbed the Busy Christian's guide on "How to Become Truly Healthy in 60 Minutes a Day". This guide will help you focus on the BIGGEST movers of your health: