58. A Coaching Call with Ted: Part 1 - Prescribing Movement

Information + Application = Transformation. For you to move towards the health goals you have, it is necessary to understand what matters and then begin to apply or practice the habits that will move you towards transformation. 

At HOLO HLTH, we help you do this in many ways, but the most effective is through 1:1 Coaching. In today's episode, Alex plays client "Ted", while Trevor plays the role of the coach. Ted's goal is to lose 10lbs and build some muscle. So, part 1 of this mini series is focused on how we prescribe movement protocols to help Ted build Habit #3 Moving Often into his daily and weekly rhythms. 

You can expect to hear more on:

  • Ted's goal to lose 10lbs and build some muscle and how we address this
  • Why we encourage functional movements
  • How movement and exercise are a part of Habit #2 Moving Often
  • How we are helping Ted build these habits
  • How we are going to help Ted do this while not having much time
  • How we coach remotely

Make eating clean and moving often automatic habits for you by using our plan builder guide. It walks you through how to build a plan that works for your season of life:

Struggling with knowing what workouts to do or what foods to eat? Grab out 40 Workouts & Recipes Guide to make those healthy habits automatic:

This topic on information and application came straight from the 2/29/24 edition of our 3 in 30 Newsletter, which we send out once a week. It includes both education and application on how you can live the truly healthy life Jesus offers. Here is the link to read the full copy and get these delivered straight to your inbox: