62. The HOLO Milestone: A Health Target Designed For You

ANNOUNCEMENT: In this week's episode, Alex and Trevor discuss a new initiative for HOLO HLTH, called The HOLO Milestone.

A milestone is a significant even in your life. The HOLO Milestone is a health target designed to be a significant health event for ALL people. This came about as an extension of our mission to help people become truly healthy in every area. And can be done by literally anyone, whether you are an involved HOLO member or not!

The HOLO Milestone was designed to be simple AND sustainable. Not something to be done for 30 days. The Milestone focuses on the biggest needle movers of your physical health: your sleep, nutrition, and movement. 

This is the application piece of true health. We preach all the time about the importance of each of these 3 areas of your health AND how when you give then the attention they deserve they will positively impact the other areas of your health.

We are so excited to share this initiative with you and pray that people all over begin to pursue habits that are simple, sustainable, and bring real change to every area.

So what is the HOLO Milestone? It is:

 100 total completions of EACH activity:

  1. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep
  2. Eating 1 meal during the day that is made up of real foods 
  3. Getting 8,000 or more steps throughout the day


You might have some questions, so put together a few below to help you get a clear picture of the HOLO Milestone:

How do I track my sleep? If you do not have a watch, then choose the time you turn the lights out to the time you get out of bed. (10PM lights out 6AM feet hit the floor = 8 hours)

Does it matter what meal is my 1 real meal? No! It can be any meal of the day that you'd like. 

How do I track my steps? if you do not have a wearable or watch to track your steps, your phone would be the next best tracker. However, the avg person gets 3500-4000 steps a day. If you were this person and went for a 30 minute walk a day, then this would be approximately 8000 steps. 

Do I have to do all 3 in the day for it to count to my 100? No, goal is 100 total for EACH! So, If you miss a day on sleep, but got your meal and steps in then count those in towards your 100.

Is there any restarting? No! True Health is NOT all-or-nothing, so we want you to continue building healthy rhythms rather than being forced to start over which leaves you feeling defeated. 

How do I track? You could use a habit-tracker. Here is the one we use: . You could use the notes app, you could use a sticky note, or a method that helps you maintain momentum.

How long will this take? At a MINIMUM it would take 100 days, but that would be hitting all 3 perfectly. This will be dependent on your lifestyle and how you manage the tension of these areas of your health. It could be 120 days, 150, or 175. It is up to you. 

What happens when I hit 100 completions of each? You keep going! Go for 200, then 300, then 400. We want to see where people can get because your health is meant to be done your whole life!


We mentioned the Protein Plate Method. This is a tool to help you with the 2 task: eating 1 real meal. It teaches you how to build a plate that checks the box and a list of foods that you can use. Grab your copy here:

If you are a Christian and think health is diets and exercise, struggle with how you see yourself, don't know where to start, feel stuck and are ready for change then you need to get our digital course the "TRUE HEALTH PROGRAM". 

It teaches you what health actually is, how it's connected to your faith, what habits are important and how to build them sustainably to take your health to the next level. Grab it here: